Carrie Johnson, Ed.D. Dr. Carrie Johnson has worked in higher education for over 30 years. Since 2011, she has directed the B.A. in General Studies, an adult degree program, at Eastern Illinois University . Since 2015, she has held the title of Director, B.A. in General Studies, Educational Attainment and Outreach. She previously held a faculty position in the Chicago area. Dr. Johnson earned her Ed.D. in Adult and Higher Education from Northern Illinois University. She has presented several workshops for the Adult Higher Education Alliance, Council on Adult and Experiential Learning and the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education at their annual conferences. Dr. Johnson has spoken internationally on her research which focuses on adult accelerated courses, adjunct faculty development, teaching adults, and supporting underprepared adult learners in higher education. She has also published several journal articles and book chapters on these topics. ...
The Bachelor of Arts in General Studies degree program is a nontraditional approach to obtaining a fully accredited bachelor of arts degree. Designed for the mature adult who has family and career responsibilities and who may live at a distance from campus, the program combines sound academic principles with advances in technology to provide ways to achieve degree completion.