# IAMEIU Watch as Angela Pearson, B.A. In General Studies student for Adult Learners at Eastern Illinois University delivers her commencement speech at the December 2015 graduation ceremony. "It is me that enhances the degree!" # IAMEIU Angela completed her degree online and through EIU’s extension classes at Harper College . In this speech she shares her academic journey as a parent who went back to school to get her college degree and overcame many challenges, becoming the first woman in her family to achieve this goal. Since 1973, the B.A. in General Studies at EIU has been serving adult learners in Illinois, helping them meet their goal of earning a bachelor's degree. Technology has allowed us to expand beyond Illinois, by offering this adult focused degree-completion program completely online. Learn more about all of the options that EIU-BGS offers adult students who want to complete their degree here: http://www.eiu.edu/bgs/ Watch ...
The Bachelor of Arts in General Studies degree program is a nontraditional approach to obtaining a fully accredited bachelor of arts degree. Designed for the mature adult who has family and career responsibilities and who may live at a distance from campus, the program combines sound academic principles with advances in technology to provide ways to achieve degree completion.